A floating deck cuts uneven lawns flawlessly on any terrain, guaranteeing an excellent cut every time for even the most unusual landscapes.
45% slope handling performance makes light work of the most challenging lawn setups.
Tall, thick grass is not a problem with a 100 mm maximum cutting height.
Whatever your lawn surface looks like, the patented high traction, all-terrain wheels can navigate it smoothly and efficiently.
No more waiting for a sunny afternoon to tackle the lawn. Thanks to its drive motor, the XR5 is so quiet it could mow at night.
Self cleaning deck
and wheels, making
maintenance a breeze.
Set your mower to the exact setting you want with an easy-to-use 4.3” LCD touchscreen.
The XR5’s unique edging ability mows beyond the wheel to deliver a precise finish every time.
Thanks to its patented cutting system you can have a great cut.
The XR5’s omni-directional
obstruction sensor
ensures that it can
navigate its way around
any obstacle (please still
make sure that there are
no children or pets on
the lawn while mowing).